Remember these next time you fly

I am always searching for new tips and tricks for travel. Thanks to Sarah from Licorice and Olives. a guest blogger at Ruffles and Truffles! for the following tips. The link to their blog is at the bottom of this post.

Pashmina scarves are popular right now, so take advantage of your Pashmina all year long. It is small and packs well in a carry on bag. Since planes and airports are often cool, throw it over your shoulders or legs to fight a chill. Need a pillow? I wouldn't call it a pillow but it will keep your head from bumping against the window of the plane if you are trying to sleep.
Tooth brush, tooth paste, chap stick, and moisturizer are all necessary for long or overnight flights.
Water, water, hydrate! Before you even leave home or the hotel, drink a liter or two of water. Hydrate early and you will not be playing catch up during or after your flight.
Always carry your medications on board with you. You never know when your flight could be cancelled or your luggage get lost. Better to be safe than sorry.n the Sky {Sara: Licorice and Olives}

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